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AeroDragons By-Laws




  The name of the dragon boat team shall be AeroDragons Dragon Boat Club



  The purpose of AeroDragons is to provide an opportunity for its members:

  • To exercise team building by working together, building trust, problem solving and improving communication skills

  • To have another choice of recreational activity

  • To promote cultural interest in dragon boating as well as water safety awareness



  Team membership shall include the following membership categories:

  • Category M1 - Aerospace Active employees

  • Category M2 - Aerospace Retired Employees, Active college, high school, junior high school students

  • Category M3 - First Responders (Police, Fire, Coast Guard, etc. personnel)

  • Category A1 - Family and Friends of Categories M1 and M2

  • Category A2 - Air Force or other active military

  • Category A3 - Family and Friends of Category A2


Members must abide by the AeroDragon Rules & Regulations and also must:

  • Respect the sport

  • Show good sportsmanship

  • Follow rules of other associations/organizations


Grounds for expulsion by a majority vote of AeroDragon officers are:

  • Members who fail to abide by AeroDragon Rules & Regulations and By-Laws

  • Members whose actions are detrimental to the club

  • Members who show disregard of club interests and/or property

  • Members who show a disregard for the safety or welfare of other club members



  President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary



  Majority vote from officers is required for all actions taken by the club

  • President - The President is the chief executive of the club and shall have general supervision and control of the affairs of the club

  • Vice-President - The Vice-President shall assist the President and shall assume the duties of the President in the President's absence

  • Treasurer - The Treasurer shall receive, disburse, and maintain records of funds for the club

  • Secretary - The Secretary shall maintain a record of the actions/activities taken by the club



Nominations for elections shall be taken verbally from the floor. Ballots will be e-mailed to all members at least one week before the date of the election (September 1).


Qualification of candidates: Active members of the club or will become active members of the club at the time of assuming the positions.


The election shall be decided by ballot. The officer positions shall be elected by a majority of all active members.

The term of office shall be one year commencing October 1 and ending September 30.


© 2024 by AeroDragons Dragon Boat Club

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